Saturday, September 10, 2011

How I did it....

Please check out the following links. I have had such success with it that you would not believe the before and after picture, one of which I am too embarassed to send you! I intend to fit back into my wedding tuxedo and I have about 35 days left to do it! I will never go back to a regular diet without at least some supplements from this company! I will show you the before picture; I just won't send it to you to be held hostage someday!

Here is some information on the Visalus system on which some 16 of about 18 friends have just started after seeing me a month after I started!

check out these links:

The shake ingredients:

Vi Trim (the extra pouch for the transformation kit) one per day

Vi Slim pill to take with each shake

The last per shake supplement is an Omega based supplement

You might search around on line... a lot of business talk..... they have been around for some 10 years and there may be other products out there like it, but I can attest to the fact that this works and that it probably hasn't cost much based upon what I haven't been eating!!!

Here is the comparison chart between Visalus and what the competition offers:

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Don't ever assume you are too old to make life altering physical fitness changes...

I hope you all had a great summer.  August saw me drop 23 lbs having been "fed up" of feeling a little under my last birthday.... The truth was it was so easy that it is sad that so many people have a problem of weight that they cannot solve.

The other shocker is that I did it while being almost sedate for the whole time without going to yoga or the gym.  This is a question of diet and I have to say I feel pumped with energy and ready for the new year and season!

I did it through a diet used by professional athletes that actually saved me money, gave me more nutrients than what I was getting before and that completely flattened my gut in under 5 weeks!... Call me to find out more and if this can help you.... 778-227-7325

Monday, April 11, 2011

Yet another credit card deal... just for the taking

Well, just on the heals of the MBNA Alaska Air deal, I have come across this one by Captial One and Delta Airlines (recent recipient of "one of the most complained about airlines award").

Get 25,000 bonus miles with enrollment in this credit card program with your first purchase and no annual fee!  This might take the sting out of lousy airline food!


Monday, March 28, 2011

Another cool deal...

As so often happens in life, things wear out.  It's either the eyeglasses were getting too dirty to see through or the eyes were changing to another prescription.  Off to the local eyewear places.... instead of buying the cool pair of hockey skates, I was forced to consider remedial eyewear at close to $500!  Solution... shop online? Could it be done?  would it be worth the risk?
I checked out and could have had a pair for about $239 with all of the coatings... antiglare and antiscratch.  Then I went to where I priced a pair at around $29 + taxes, shipping and a pair of snap on sunscreens... the total came out to $70.. so I went for it.

The cool part is finding a picture of yourself where your head is level and uploading it onto the site so that you can scroll different pairs of glasses across your image and choose a pair that looks good.

Well, 2 weeks later they came and the world just got a little brighter!  They are amazing: rimless, weightless titanium frames.... and they fit like magic and work just as well. 

I recommend this to anyone who is fed up with high eyewear prices.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Time to Register you city utility bills with epost at

I just thought I'd take a few moments to bring you up to speed and drop this tidbit in your laps before the time comes to pay your property taxes and your annual utility bills.

If you visit and register the City of Richmond (if you have property there) or even your own city, you will after a couple of months be able to pay your annual property tax and utilities invoices using your Visa or other credit card. That would give you a quick few thousand points in most cases that you would not otherwise get.

Make sure you have your tax and utility accounts handy. It may be a little late this year for the utility bill, but it should work out fine for the tax bill and it is certainly worth the try.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Great file transfer system... locally designed.. world class simplicity!

 A while back I did some research with a view to assisting in the financing of this new startup company, Iwormhole Communications.  They run a website called

If you need to transfer a large file, say 35 megs or even up to 2 gigs, you just go on to the site and browse for you file to transfer and away you go.  Unfortunately, the browsers in use today were not designed to be used to transfer large amounts of data.  So, the company set out to design a new system to handle file transfers, but to do so ultimately on a peer to peer basis with data encryption to AES 256 standards (this is just about government proof).

They are running the new system in beta testing right now, but it works well.  This is a small desktop application that launches with a click.  You simply drag and drop files into the rotating "wormhole" and the file uploads and sends a message to your email recipient in record time.  It can be downloaded  at  If you happen to be a mortgage broker, lawyer, accountant, Realtor, doctor or any professional who needs to be able to transfer very large files on a highly confidential basis, such as an MRI for example, this program will come in very handy.

It is free right now.  But as the company moves forward, there will no doubt be a plan to generate revenues from regular users.  Being a Realtor, mortgage broker and closet musician, I highly recommend this handy file sharing system.... No spam, no ads, no data phishing.  I am advised that about 40,000 people a month are using it!

Good Luck...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Your Real Estate Portfolio...

Many of you have owned your homes for a number of years already. A quick math check of its estimated market value today as compared to what it was when you bought it, less the mortgage amount would likely yield a nice chunk of value. Quite frankly, I am sure that for many of you, if you divided the gain in equity in your home by the number of months that you have owned it, you would find that that amount (which is tax free) might equal the take home pay of a full time job.

I am sure that there are not many American Realtors who are sending notes like this one at the present time. We are quite fortunate living where we do and being able to enjoy these economic gains. What is even more astonishing is that I can't recall any of my clients not being fearful at the time of purchase that the market might not tank after they bought their property. So, each of you might have been thinking that you were buying close to the high, and yet look what happened!

One of the problems we face as parents is the financial pressure of university as well as the future housing costs that our children face, should we wish them to locate near us. This Generation X market and the foothold they need in the real estate market is the next big issue. It has already started. Parents are starting to invest in real estate now so that their children will have equity when their time comes to move out, hopefully, permanently!

I recently came across a smart condo play that made sense to me and I would be happy to share it with any of you. It was not just another highrise; it is in a great downtown location. The developer needs to sell a certain number of units, close to 50% prior to obtaning financing to enable him to put the shovel to the ground. To do that, he is offering 5% on deposit monies which will be held in trust as well at a 2% HST rebate with completion expected to be in 2013. There are still a few units left at better than presale prices where you can put very little money up front, earn interest on it in the interim and hopefully, establish another foolhold in a great market. It took two of my clients just 30 minutes to see the value in this and it is not difficult to see why; good developer; good track record; great location and great pricing with money earned on carrying costs and very little money down (all of which is in trust).

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a Happy New Year, full of joy, good health for you and your families, and, I would like to thank you for allowing me the privilege to share and contribute to your successes in my professional capacity.

Regards and see you in the new year!